Friday, August 17, 2007

But seriously folks...

Okra comes from a large vegetable plant thought to be of African origin, and it was brought to the United States three centuries ago by African slaves. The word, derived from the West African nkruma, was in use by the late 1700s. Grown in tropical and warm temperate climates, it is in the same plant family as hibiscus and cotton.
I needed to look that up because honestly, I had no idea the origin of this food. We never had this growing up. I think my Mom has taken some hits from this blog so I must preface this with the fact that she made many wonderful and nutritious meals for us. However, none of them included Okra. Now anyone that has ever cooked for HNS knows that he is very picky about what vegetables he will eat. Very few come to mind. But low and behold, he loves Okra. Figures, since I don't know how to cook it.
A very nice lady at work grows some in her garden and brought some to me this week to cook. Tonight I will attempt to do just that. Stay tuned. Hopefully it will be easier than when I was trying to spell nutritious a few seconds ago.


Arties32 said...

It's a southern thing, that's why we never had it. I have never tried it- if you like it, I'll give it a shot! Have a great weekend.

JB said...

I have had it in some things and I like it a lot. I have just never made it myself. If you ever hold it while it is raw don't judge it by it's sticky,yucky texture.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I used it in gumbo, which you may not have eaten. I used the canned okra, as it's easier to handle. Let me know how it is.

pnlkotula said...

Oh girls, you got to fry some okra up! If you try to make it good for you, it's just mushy. Comfort Restaurant does it best.

My daddy grew some in the garden once (now understand daddy's garden was the size of a tobacco field), and mama tried to do different things with it. The only edible way was DEEP FRIED!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Lisa. Fried it will be. Last night I cut and salted it and sat it in the fridge overnight. Tonight I will toss it with some a little flour and corn meal.
Your Daddy's garden sounds awesome!

A.K. said...

fried okra is pretty good too- one of the only fried things i would eat...

Anonymous said... this what made you sick last night???

If so then Doug is just going to have to start loving another Veggie!

JB said...

no Jacquie- that was Saturday night!

Arties32 said...

OK it's killing me. Are you going to tell us about the okra? How did you make it? Was it tasty? What does it taste like? How do you clean it? It's already Monday afternoon and I hate cliffhangers.

Arties32 said...

Oh sorry, I was so anxious to hear about the okra I glossed right over the part about you being sick. What was wrong? And oh, did you ever made the OKRA??

JB said...

yes - I am fine - just didn't feel well this morning. I made brunch for Sara and Carlos yesterday and I think I ate too much. I was tring to keep up with a pregnat woman!! Pictures of that to come too!!