Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oh, to be a little Sister

I am thankful her homentachen doesn't say "I'm with Stupid".
I am constantly reminded of how little I have done in my life compared to my big sister. She is so smart and has traveled and knows how to spell and use grammar correctly and lives in paradise where it never gets cold and for those of you that might say "oh, Muffin Face, you have done cool things too." Let me present exhibit A. Here is a excerpt from her "Random Facts" list next to an excerpt from mine.

she said: I was a competitive swimmer until college and was 15Th in the U.S. in the 1650 yard freestyle when I was 17 years old.

I said: Robert sat next to me at brunch.

She said:In 1989, I (accidentally and completely inadvertently) smuggled drugs from an Israeli casino boat on the Red Sea through international waters to the shores of Egypt. (I thought I was picking up mayonnaise for the three types of sandwiches we sold to the gamblers). I also (accidentally and completely inadvertently) led police to uncover the drug and "hookers as compensation for losing gamblers" operation by reporting the owners of the casino boat for forcing me to throw trash bags into the Red Sea.

I said: I Love corn dogs.


Arties32 said...

I'm wetting myself AGAIN! You are so dern funny. I might have had a few undesired life experience, but you're a star :) Why do you think I always wanted to tap dance? Because you tap danced! Why did your blue sequined tu-tu rip down the back? Because I tried to put it on and dance like a ballerina (to be like you!). Why did I take your violin to my music class? Well, because, honestly, I played it better than you, but everything else I said is true!!

JB said...

so sad about the fate of the tu-tu- to say your violin playing was better than mine isn't saying much! You should take a tap class - you would like it!! :)

Anonymous said...

I must talk to your sister! I was an undercover security guard for JCPenney in HS. I wonder if I ever caught her stealing! HA!

Le Synge Bleu said...

ummm, does that hamantaschen really kind of look like a giant vagina, or is it just me? i will now never be able to eat hamantaschen again.

mim said...

I'm cracking up from this!! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I like corn dogs too.

Arties32 said...

I'm still laughing- Sparki, you crack me up. Jacquie, I just don't get your comment. What would I have wanted to steal from JCPenney? I never stole anything in my life!! I feel guilty when someone else steals! Now I am sure I said something that made everyone think I am a shoplifter! I won't be able to sleep tonight. Jacquie please explain!!

Anonymous said...

Arties32 - I was just making a joke about your accidental drug incident and somehow the correlation to my being an undercover security guard at was funny in my mind at the time! :)