Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gift from ...and the eggs!!!

And then. (Muffin face is the one holding the brick) (hey Steve K. - that reminds me of a joke we used to tell!)
Did we think we were actually building something? I don't get it. Anyway - this is a pic of me and my sissy. When my sissy was little she ended every song by singing "and the eggs". It is a strange tag line and I am not sure where it came from.
My Father taught us "Golden Oldies" and we would spend short and long road trips singing our hearts out. I am glad I grew up then and sang and laughed with my family instead of staring at a gameboy or portable CD player or whatever the kids are doing these days. So we would be singing Shanty Town or Show me the way to go home or Be sure its true or any one of a hundred songs and we would finish and then my sissy's little voice would say....and the eggs! Again, I have no idea why but now she is all grown up (old) and has a blog all about food called ...and the eggs.

I was the 10,000th visitor on my sissy's blog! How exciting. So Yesterday I got this present in the mail. The only one like it in the world. I had HNS go back to his modeling days so I could get a good shot of it. Seriously, he was a child model who actually avoided all the pit falls of fame - of course he was only 4.

Anyway - congrats to my sissy for having such a successful blog. Go visit her at

...and the eggs.


Arties32 said...

Great photos!! HNS, you missed your calling.

Thank you for thanking me. I think you'll like your real Chanukah present just as well, if not better!

I will never know why I said ...and the eggs. It just fit. ;) Love your post- Chickie Face of ...and the eggs.

Anonymous said...

yes, HNS looks great! What a neat shirt!
love and hugs,

Arties32 said...

I had on a Miami Dolphins Shirt!!!!!! Was that foreshadowing?????

hoosier steve said...

It was THE BRICK!!!!
damn that's still a funny joke. Told it to my kids the other day and they just stared at me. Perhaps I should have tried the "F You Clown!"

JB said...

I actually dusted that joke off and told it a couple months ago to a table of eager listeners. (I was the cutest one in the room) They all rolled their eyes at the first joke and then, well you know, I just waited patiently until other folks told some of their jokes- and then when I couldn't stand it any longer I told the second joke. It still works my friend! But I was wishing Shmara was there becuase the F U Clown joke really goes well between the two Brick jokes. However, I keep asking her to tell the F U Clown joke to people and in doing so - I kinda ruin the joke, don't I?

hoosier steve said...

You know I don't think I have ever heard the FU Clown joke told right. As I recall there was usually a great deal of alcohol involved in those late sessions at the lighthouse.
Oh those poor brain cells, they didn't have a chance.
THE BRICK! (Damn it just keeps getting funnier!)