Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nice try Robyn O... Nice try.

So, without going into great detail, Robyn and I have entered into a contest. I don't know why she has chosen to torture herself this way. She is going down. There can be only one - wait, that was from Highlander. Anyway, it seems the backstage fairy has struck again. Trying to test my will power and break me. I believe your little plan has back fired my curvaceous friend.
The goodies you left to temp me found their way into the mouths of others and I was the hero for bringing them treats.
But nice try...and watch out - you know what they say about payback.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear between that and the coco puffs in the HR storage room you may be up against impossible odds!

Princess Crabass said...

Yes, I must say, that was totally underhanded. But alas I see you are impervious to my delectable enticements. Oh well... off to the gym!

xoxox, Your zoftig friend and ruthless competitor

Princess Crabass said...

By the way, I see four people eating donuts. What happened to the other two?

JB said...

I KNEW you were going to ask me that! I have no idea what happened to the last two donuts. I left the entire box in the boys dressing room because the smell, my god the smell. I couldn't trust myself with them. Why do ya gotta hate?
Watch your back missy.

Anonymous said...

I can smell the doughnuts up here in NO VA! I'm proud of you for having so much will power!

Arties32 said...

Go Muffin Face!! I have faith in you!! I was watching Sordid Lives the other night and I was laughing because everyone calls everyone Sissy.

Love, Sissy