Friday, September 5, 2008

New Post

I know you have all been wanting a new post (all two of you) - frankly I could never get tired of looking at pictures of the beautiful Christine and Matt - but I have had a few complaints so here goes.

The rumours are true - I am cooking again! But you know what it is like when you haven't done something in a while- You get a little rusty, don't you? I could have written a post yesterday called "Chicken that tastes like shit and looks even worse" but I decided against it.

So last night was a little better (if not at all kosher). I made pork chops that were thick and beautifully cut with the bone shaped like a big lamb chop - maybe they were French cut or something? Anyway, you get the picture - fancy cut. I was so excited and giddy with anticipation at what Steve O. would say when he arrived home and for the first time in many months he was in a house that smelled like something good was cooking. I even made a few latkies - because I could!! I toasted some chic peas because we (me) love to snack on them while cooking and then throw the rest into a salad for dinner. I also made some broccoli with a little cheese sauce. Then I waited. It wouldn't be long before Steve O. would be home. I sat on the sofa and poured a glass of wine - so proud of all the food I cooked. I heard the door open and as soon as Steve O. walked in I could tell something was wrong. He said he had felt sick all day and wasn't hungry at all.

(I hope it wasn't the sh**ty chicken from the night before)

I ate the dinner anyway but it wasn't the same. Lets hope he is feeling better today and I can try again to cook something this weekend.

But for now - since my sissy got tired of looking at the last post - here is a great album cover I found on line. Please enjoy responsibly..........

Now - what do you think is on this album? Maybe a little Dogra Streisand? Or some Barky Midler?


A.K. said...

i read your blog! so add me to the list! hah!!

can you PLEASE come cook for us?!!! that sounds delicious!


JB said...

AK - Thanks! I love reading your blog too - you and Scott really are living the dream! Hope school is going great. Your classroom looked so pretty!

pnlkotula said...

Aww, sorry for the bf. Hope he's all better.

JB said...

Forget him! What about my beautiful dinner!!??
Just kidding - he is all better today.

Arties32 said...

As much as I admire looking at Matt and Christine, day after day after day, I like reading what you write even more. I took a day off from clicking on looking at them--- and see what I missed?! You crack me up. Fancy cut. Now that is some funny stuff. If I had been you, I would have felt badly for the captain but kind of happy that I had all the latkes to myself. I'm glad he is feeling better. Really glad to hear you are cooking again too.

That album cover! I must get it for my dogs, I have three of them and only one of them (Millie) is gay like me. Maybe the other two will convert her, like they say we gays like to do. Only time will tell.

Love and miss you sissy

Unknown said...

The food sounds great as always. The album cover is wonderful. Frankly as long as they don't let gay dogs get married (after all that would really hurt my marriage some how) I'm loving it.

JB said...

Steven K. - are you afraid your wife would leave you for her dog? I bet a lot of that would happen. I always wanted to marry mashed potato’s myself.

Arties32 said...

and i would like to marry artichokes but only if my current wife divorces me!

Arties32 said...

oh that's not a dog. it's a vegetable. what was i thinking?

JB said...

you need a new dog called artie-choke

Arties32 said...

I already thought of that- naming a dog Artie but it sounds too much like dad's name so I decided against it!

Unknown said...

mmm, mashed potato's and artichokes...